Katie Cercone: Really excited about your upcoming Dream Tending workshop. I have heard that you can follow your initial impulse when it comes to interpreting a dream, although I also believe our dreams dredge up unconscious shadow work we don’t want to look at. In that sense, our ego could […]
In this special section you’ll find exclusive interviews with today’s young culture-makers. Keeping astride of fashion and trend, whilst being mindful of its ephemeral reality, Art 511 Mag aims to smash any distinctions between “high” and “low” cultural forms serving you direct, fresh, unique insights into the radically bold innovators of various industries who are definitively shaping the cultural terrain RIGHT NOW.
American-Pakistani Artist Qinza Najm Challenges Islamophobia in the West & Smashes Sex Taboos Back Home
Late August, following her impressive #NoHonorKilling performance during Art 511’s flash feminist art exhibition EMINENT DOMAIN, I visited multidisciplinary Pakistani artist Qinza Najm at her studio in Hell’s Kitchen to explore some of the deeper messages in her work. Gender, sexuality and (em)powerment orient her practice, which these days takes […]
In Conversation With Helen Wewiora
Alien Armageddon, Empathy & The Vine of the Soul: A conversation with Melanie Bonajo
KC: In your new film Progress vs. Sunsets (2017), you use the voice of children, the next generation, to center some profoundly fresh insights about animal rights, bio-politics, dwindling global resources, ecology, anthropomorphism, and the general welfare of our planet. How did come to work with youth in this way? […]
We Carry Our Mother’s Pain
Women Hold Up Half the Sky: A Look at British Artist Ekua Bayunu
Ekua Bayunu just finished mounting her first solo exhibition at Manchester’s Chuck Gallery. Aptly titled Re:Birth, her show centers around a body of sculptural work reflecting women’s power and draws on aesthetic motifs of her African cultural heritage. After receiving a few rave reviews of her show, she was selected […]
ADEHLA LEE: Post-Medium with Grandmother’s Dark Chi
ART511 Interview with Paul Schimmel
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