Although photographer Lynn Stern does not use the medium of painting to create, Stern and her photography are very much in conversation with the painter’s psyche—she thinks like a painter and her photography captures much of the texture, details, contrast, and vibrancy of painting. Contrary to conventional definitions of photography, […]
Signs of the Times We Live In…
La tela di Lorenzo Marini, un’interpretazione sovversiva delle sue opere, scritta da Laurence Hoffmann
[English version below] Lorenzo Marini e’ un poeta antico che ti incanta con il sussurro soave della sua voce, con parole che evocano visioni docili e immagini che risvegliano dolci sentimenti. Lorenzo e’ artista e scrittore, ma anche pubblicitario. Usa i colori velati dal bianco, disegna griglie di architetture immaginifiche […]
The Merry Wagtail Jades, The Breeches They Do Carry: Impudent women and cuckold’s horns.
Feminism is For EVERYONE
OPEN CALL FOR INTERSECTIONAL FEMINIST ART EXHIBITION- July 12-14, 2018 in West Chelsea Gallery Distract
EMINENT DOMAIN: A Flash Art Exhibition in the former Robert Miller space in West Chelsea is a curated selection of radical feminist art by female artists, eco-femmes, ghetto brujas, elders, queer/trans artists and other magical gender nomads reclaiming their rightful space in the Art World. We can unpack Feminism here […]
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