Spiraling Smoke Series

Sol Kjok

After growing up in Norway,  Sol left her native country following high school and passed through Paris, Vienna and Medellin on her way to graduate school in New York City. “I feel like a European New Yorker now,” remarks Sol. During her chaotic early childhood years, she found solace in Norway’s rich dark forests as well as drawing. Art became a solace and sanctuary. “As far back as I can remember, no other profession seemed more exciting to me than being an artist. I feel fortunate to be able to spend my days doing what I love.” If drawing is the artist’s first language, painting would be her second. Today in her work she masterfully combines the two, preferring “the tension between the precision and clear boundaries offered by the line and the free-flowing, ever-surprising turns of the oils.” Sol’s life-sized (and beyond) figurative drawings and paintings express with lyrical precision “the fundamental interrelatedness and interdependence of all living things and the constraints imposed by our physical bodies.” Drawing from wordless, liminal spaces, such as dream time, meditation and other states of altered consciousness, her works masterfully transcend the limitations of language. “I believe this imagery springs from a well that we all share. Western civilization is now at a pivotal point where cutting-edge science is starting to prove what mystics and ancient cultures have always intuitively known: all matter in the universe exists in a web of connection and constant influence, and thought is simply another form of transmitted energy. We can no longer view ourselves and our minds as the private, self-contained workings of an individual brain. In short, we are oneness having the experience of separateness.” In order to share her vision and impress visually these principles out in the world, Sol uses her own body and those of her friends as source material. Asking loved ones to pose with her in the studio, often times in acrobatically challenging ways, these mediated hands-on visceral tableaus allow Sol to explore aspects of the human condition the artist finds most interesting – pushing against our limits, the risk of falling, and the co-presence of vulnerability and strength. Come out to the Last Frontier, the collective space Sol stewards in Greenpoint, Brooklyn,  for her Tuesday night stimulating artist salon events. The Last Frontier’s upcoming September 11th event occurs in partnership with Art 511 Magazine and Alexandra Arts.




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