
Discos and Dancers: Pulse of the Next Generation?

A true painter’s painter, George McNeil fills the walls of Picture Theory Gallery with dancers, bathers and curious ephemera from a time seemingly now passed and gone. A self-described humanist bemused by raucous disco nights, in this little-known era of his work, McNeil brings to life the lauded 80’s underground dance […]


Rorschach Blots for Change?

PROJECTIONS – a new body of work by artist Harrison Tenzer – is now on view at The Empty Circle in Gowanus through February 3rd. Emerging from the Pandemic pits of psychological survival, queer artist Harrison Tenzer turned to drawing as a defense against loneliness and anxiety, finding a new […]


Ed Ruscha at MOMA: A Pop Art Career Fueled Along Route 66

By the time 18-year-old Ed Ruscha lit out on Route 66 in 1956, enroute from his home in Oklahoma City to study art in Los Angeles, the venerable U.S. highway had already been carrying motorists from Chicago to the coast and back for 30 years. Bobby Troup’s famous song, (Get […]


Lynn Stern: “A Photographer with a Painter’s Psyche”

Although photographer Lynn Stern does not use the medium of painting to create, Stern and her photography are very much in conversation with the painter’s psyche—she thinks like a painter and her photography captures much of the texture, details, contrast, and vibrancy of painting. Contrary to conventional definitions of photography, […]


The ADAA 34th Annual Art Show at the Park Avenue Armory opened with a stellar Press and Benefit Preview

The ADAA presented its annual Art Show at the Park Avenue Armory in full swing with a gala event on Wednesday November 2nd. The press and benefit preview opened its 34th edition with a stellar evening, raising over a million dollars for the Henry Street Settlement – the social services […]


Your Brain is Your Bedroom – Stepping Into an Artist’s Mind

Have you ever thought about stepping into the mind of an artist? Well, that is what you can do at the High Line Chelsea Open Studios starting at 508 West 26th St, NYC during the Fall Art Preview. During this time, you have access to almost five floors of open […]


The Affordable Art Fair opened September 22, 2022, continuing New York’s fall art season circuit

The Affordable Art Fair opened September 22, 2022, at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea, continuing New York’s fall art season circuit on the heels of the Armory Show, Independent Art Fair, Spring/Break Art Show, Art on Paper, and the Clio Art Fair. The art world is just now starting to […]


Big Brassy Art takes over the Armory Show 2022, NYC

A showcase of big, brassy art takes over New York’s Javits Center, Thursday afternoon, September 8, 2022, with the opening of the Armory Show’s 2022 edition. New York’s premiere contemporary art fair returns to New York’s Javits Center for the second iteration of the fair since the COVID-19 pandemic. This […]


Venice Biennale 2019: Artists’ Diary – Claire Zakiewicz – Part 1, Updated Daily

  The first time I went to Venice was for the contemporary art biennale in 2009. It felt like an overdose of culture and I wondered whether it would kill my love for art but after a short recovery an addition grew and I have been back to Venice more […]


Alien Armageddon, Empathy & The Vine of the Soul: A conversation with Melanie Bonajo

KC: In your new film Progress vs. Sunsets (2017), you use the voice of children, the next generation, to center some profoundly fresh insights about animal rights, bio-politics, dwindling global resources, ecology, anthropomorphism, and the general welfare of our planet. How did come to work with youth in this way? […]


Spiraling Smoke

SOL KJØK I met SOL KJØK in May 2017 at her loft in Brooklyn when I became one of her artists in residence. Her studio is the size of two tennis courts, and you can see both the Empire State and Chrysler buildings through a pair of factory windows. Acrobatic […]


The Sick Role

Samantha Conlon’s The Sick Role, 2018, is part documentation and part ritualistic photography accompanied with text composing a contemporary portrait of the mundane reality of mental illness. From a new body of work developed in Kuvataideakatemie, Helsinki, The Sick Role interrogates the experience of physical and mental illness in female […]


The Ritualistic Healing of the Suffragettes

The suffragettes’ militant activities were shocking for their time. June Purvis describes them as ‘transgressing the gender expectations of Edwardian society’; they unconsciously drew on a history of riotous actions and ritual behaviour that Julius R. Ruff portrays as ‘almost instinctual conduct’. Their rebellious behaviour can be read in the context of both early modern riot and festive […]

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Anna FC Smith is a Wigan (UK) based multimedia artist. She studied Critical Fine Art Practice at the University of Brighton, graduating in 2007, and has exhibited internationally. Smith has a longstanding obsession with the overlooked in history, folk culture and communal traditions. As a practitioner, she locates herself between artist, historian and anthropologist, with historical and anthropological research forming the basis of much of her work. Through her practice, Smith celebrates ‘low culture’ relating with concepts of the carnivalesque, bawdiness, irreverence and ambivalence. She explores the role of history and the archive, and the links contemporary society has with its predecessors. '[T]he rituals of modern mass culture have created a shifting and transient sense of the sacred, now invested in the political ideology of the moment, romantic love of nature, charismatic leaders, jingoistic nationalism, idealized domesticity, or endless cults, fads, ephemera. If societies demand rituals, then changing societies will produce changing rituals'.




Women Hold Up Half the Sky: A Look at British Artist Ekua Bayunu

Ekua Bayunu just finished mounting her first solo exhibition at Manchester’s Chuck Gallery. Aptly titled Re:Birth, her show centers around a body of sculptural work reflecting women’s power and draws on aesthetic motifs of her African cultural heritage. After receiving a few rave reviews of her show, she was selected […]


Remembering Toyo Tsuchiya

On November 23rd, 2017 artist and photographer Toyo Tsuchiya prematurely passed away in his Lower East Side apartment. He was 69. A sensitive and curious observer of life, Tsuchiya definitely shaped New York’s art world as a devout and poetic chronicler of an underground art scene of which he was […]


L.A. Marler “Keywords,” an exhibition at DNJ Gallery

Last year, a Lyft driver told me “Los Angeles will always be an entertainment city first, and an art city second,” describing his experience as a gallery assistant in the City of Angels. Hollywood, television, and the market for entertainment should be taken into consideration for artists based in L.A., […]


ART511 Magazine Launched With A Party New York City Won’t Easily Forget

ART511 Magazine debuted with a massive, multi-faceted launch party in the former Robert Miller Gallery September 19th in the West Chelsea Arts District. The blank-walled, high-ceilinged space – which once handled the estate of artist Lee Krasner – was brought to life with a visually stunning, aurally pleasing, enlightening array […]


Sotheby’s Rocks Monday!

The Upper East Side’s premiere auction house put on quite an opening night extravaganza on September 25th… including performances! The evening’s focused highlight was an exhibition of the works of California Sculptor Robert Graham, new to me and totally intriguing. Then to the collection of iconic American playwright Edward Albee, […]


The Importance of Digital Detox

Although the science of how digital technology impacts human behavior is in its nascent stages, what research there is consistently churns out new statistics indicating technology has unforeseen and underestimated negative impacts on our lives. A summary of the most recent scientific evidence includes: 61% of people admit to being […]

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